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Hatched Academy 2018 Open Mic

  • 107 projects redfern 107 Redfern St Redfern, NSW, 2016 Australia (map)

For Hatched Open Mic 2018 we have chosen a bunch of awesome emerging Sydney artists who we think you need to know about. Come along to 107 Projects on July 7 to experience Freya Schack-Arnott and friends, sho prince Henry Liang in partnership with flute genius Naomi Johnson, and a crazy improvisatory set from Ensemble Onsombl.

The theme of blurred lines of musical authorship as well as blurred lines of sound pervades all three programs. Each show shines a spotlight on the musical world we currently inhabit, where performer and composer are constantly crossing the boundaries of their traditional roles, and sounds merge and transform to create genuinely new sonic worlds.


 Ensemble Onsombl

Solomon Frank – 火災報知器Prototype_AU134 for six circuit-bent Quell Q946 Smoke Alarms 6′
Angus Davison – 101 Things To Do With Cauliflower 10′
Christian Wolff – Stones 10′
Naomi Dodd – New Work 7′
Ensemble Onsombl – Improvisation 6’

Freya Schack-Arnott & friends

Kate Moore – Broken Rosary for Solo cello and string accompaniment  5’5
Alex Pozniak – Instructions for Improvisation I 4′
Liza Lim – Inguz (Fertility) for cello and clarinet  6′
Alex Pozniak – Instructions for Improvisation IV  6′
Kate Moore – Whoever you are come forth for solo cello  4’5

Henry Liang & Naomi Johnson

Henry Liang – Sho Solo 2’
Kezia Yap – a structure of silences: an exploration of mā for alto flute/live electronics 10’
Toshio Hosokawa – Bird Fragments for sho/bass flute/piccolo 6′
Henry Liang – Chasing Bushido for sho/flute/electronics/visuals 7′
Kaija Saariaho – L’aconisme de l’aile for flute and live electronics 10′
Henry & Naomi – Duo Improvisation for sho/flute/visuals 5’

Earlier Event: September 23
Splinter Orchestra @ Site works 2017
Later Event: August 14
Throat Pleats @ the Now Now August 14